Dealing with maggots in your trash bin can be gross, but it’s preventable! Here’s how to get rid of them and stop them from coming back.
1. Get Rid of Maggots
✔ Boiling Water – Pour a pot of boiling water into the bin to kill the maggots instantly.
✔ Vinegar & Water – Mix equal parts vinegar and water, spray the bin, and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing.
✔ Salt or Lime Juice – Sprinkle salt or pour lime juice over maggots to dehydrate them.
✔ Diatomaceous Earth – This natural powder kills maggots by drying them out.
2. Deep Clean the Trash Bin
✔ Hose it down and scrub with dish soap or bleach.
✔ Let it dry completely before using again.
3. Prevent Maggots from Coming Back
✔ Tie Up Trash Bags Tightly – Open food waste attracts flies, which lay eggs that turn into maggots.
✔ Freeze Meat Scraps – If possible, store raw meat scraps in the freezer until trash pickup day.
✔ Use Baking Soda or Vinegar – Sprinkle baking soda or spray vinegar inside the bin to repel flies.
✔ Keep the Lid Closed – Ensure your bin is sealed tightly to keep flies out.
✔ Take Out the Trash Regularly – Especially in hot weather when flies are most active.
Would you like more tips, like using natural repellents to keep flies away?
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