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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Rolled Banana Cake



° Eggs: 3 (large)
° Sugar: 1 cup
° Pumpkin: 2/3 cup
° Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
° Flour: ¾ cup
° Baking powder: 1 tsp
° Cinnamon: 2 tbsps
° Ginger: 1 tps
° Nutmeg: ½ tsp
° Salt: ½ tsp


° Cream cheese: 1 cup
° Butter at room temperature: 4 tbsp
° Sugar: 1 cup
° Vanilla extract: ½ tsp
° Powdered sugar for decoration: (as desired)


1- Put the eggs and sugar and mix well using an electric mixer, until you obtain a creamy texture.
2- Set the temperature of your oven to 180 ° C and cover a baking sheet with baking paper.
3- You’ll want to add the lemon juice and the pumpkin, stirring constantly, until the ingredients are incorporated.
4- Put the flour, baking powder, salt, ginger, nutmeg and cinnamon in another bowl and mix well. You can then add mixture to egg blending and whisk until you get a sticky blending.
5- Once done, pour mixture to baking sheet and put it in the oven for about 15 minutes.
6- After 15 minutes, take the tray out of the oven and place the cake on a napkin then spread with powdered sugar. And please leave it until it cools completely, about 10 minutes.
7- Make sure to wrap the cake on a towel like a sandwich; set it aside until you are comfortable.
8- Prepare the filling by mixing the cream cheese and the butter with an electric mixer.
9- Immediately adding sugar and vanilla to the mixture, keep whisking until the ingredients are smooth.
10- Alright now, open cake and spread the filling evenly, then roll the cake again without the towel.
11- Using plastic packing, cover Swiss roll & put it in refrigerator until it cooled, it takes around 60 mins.
12- Always sprinkle icing sugar on the face (as you wish) before applying to your trip


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